EspritdeKzhrot’s diary

Pick up the interesting topics of naval security from the U.S. Department of Defense and U.S. Navy trend reports and so on. Also, I will make a note and follow on my ideas.

RTX shake-up signals a shift from change to steadiness, analysts say



各種報道のとおり、日本へのトマホークの売却についてのDSCAの議会への通知が公表されていますが、システムの数量が”14”であると話題になっています。 JAPAN – TOMAHAWK WEAPON SYSTEM…


犠牲者が一万人にも及ぶも好転の兆しはなく、誰も歓迎しない第5次中東戦争勃発の虞すら取りざたされる今、パレスチナに関することなどの頭の整理をしておきます。 世界の宗教人口は、どのように調べたかわからないものの、大まかにキリスト教25億、イスラ…


ディフェンスニュースから日本、韓国、米国はDDG建造に AUKUS を反映すべきとの記事。 ”この意見は著者の意見であり、必ずしも米国国防総省の見解を反映するものではない” との注釈付きで、DDGの建造を3国共同で推進せよとの意見。 この時期、日本の潜水艦プ…


USNI News から 一般に、条文のレベルに遡ることはあまり考えられませんが、念のためリンクを貼っておきます。…

Army Long Range Missile Launcher Spotted on Navy LCS

According to USNI News, In the INF signed in December 1987, "both countries reported all land-based ballistic missiles with a range of 500 to 5,500 kilometers and cruise, but a June 27, 2019 Congressional Research Service report on the tre…

Violent Devices

The results of DNA typing of the body recovered from the crash of a private jet in Tveri Oblast, northwest of Moscow, have confirmed the death of Mr. Prigogine, and President Vladimir Putin's unassuming condolence makes us believe that Rus…

Whitch is better "weak" or "strong" yen for Japanese economy?

It seems that the trade balance between US/Japan is in the positive for the first time in a while. Is that because of the "weak" or "strong" yen? Or is it a different issue from the exchange rate? When I hear "weak yen," it seems as if Jap…

ついでにThe Buy American Act / U.S. GAO 読んでみた


To extend Buy American laws for Navy ships

The impact on Japan is unknown as we do not know the details, such as whether it applies only to HM&E at shipyards. Continue to follow up. In Article, Senate to extend Buy American laws for Navy ships By Bryant Harris Jul 28, 12:06 AM WASH…

Personal Pronouns in Japanese

Personal Pronouns in Japanese I sometimes spend several hours a day reading news reports and official bulletins in English for my work and now, half of it as a hobby, and when I start using machine translation software to get an overview, …

DON FY 2024 President's Budget

Department of the Navy FY 2024 President's Budget 13 March 2023 The Department of the Navy’s (DON) FY 2024 President’s Budget (PB24) request is $255.8B, an increase of $11.1B or 4.5% from the FY 2023 enacted budget.…

The 21st Century: The Question That Lies Present

How do countries that support an international order based on the rule of law stop moves by nuclear powers to subdue those around them by force? Can lawless violence be suppressed by law? Are there other means of suppressing violence than …

DDG Mod2 Could Cost $17B, Take Up to 2 Years など

海上自衛隊のDDG(X)構想はフライトⅢベースなのでしょうが、進捗は如何。フライトⅡA艦の近代化は、SWIP相当機器を含めどうなるのでしょう。キニナル USNI Newsでは、 Navy Destroyer Modernization Program Could Cost $17B, Take Up to 2 Years Per HullBy: …


ちょっとキニナル記事、忘れないようリンクをメモします。 「宇宙安保構想」初策定へ 官民協力、産業育成を重視 関連防衛予算5倍・政府 防衛装備協定に署名 日スウェーデンhttps…

National Security Strategy of Japan December, 2022

I was surprised by the way the National Strategy was written, which is a very different step from the wording of the second clause of the preface to the Japanese Constitution. In the Constitution of Japan, "We trust in the justice and fait…


時節柄とはいえ、暇なのに時間がない日々を過ごしてなかなか報道に目を通せませんが、キニナル報道を拾い読み。 タイミングとして当然とも言えそうなPAC-3の話題。他の武器もそうですが、これだけの引合いに見合う製造ができるとも思えないので、納期に注目…


ちなみに、トマホークはざっと2から3億円?($ 2m+くらい。)です。さすがに米海軍の調達価格は低い(後述)ようですが、どのような経費が含まれているかにより価格は大きく変動するので、読み込まないと何とも言えません。また、ブロックⅣ、タクティカルト…


WASHINGTON, November 15, 2022 - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Switzerland of PATRIOT Advanced Capability (PAC) 3 Missile Segment Enhanced (MSE) missiles and re…

CRS Report of Navy Force Structure and Shipbuilding Plans

アメリカ経済のインフレ、さらには来年には大不況とかの話があるなど、将来予測がどれだけ意味を持つか怪しい気はしますが、最新のCRSのNavy Force Structure and Shipbuilding Plans(October 20, 2022)の本紙通読は重いので、関連関のUSNI記事を読みます…

Japan Buy SM-6s in $450M

Japan Set to Buy SM-6s in Potential $450M Deal, Says State Department…

International organization without China and Russia would have no meaning



後から調べようと思いメモしたものの、宿題が増えてしまいなかなか手付かず。後でハッシュタグ見ようととりあえず一部メモ。 #宇宙際タイヒミューラー理論#RSA暗号#曲学阿世の輩#初期値鋭敏性#Sorry not sorry#Per aspera ad astra#Big Bang#爆発の1…

Navy Will Lead DDG(X) Design Effort

In the article, The CNO states that it is important that the Navy take the lead in the design of the DDG(X) to reduce the technical risk of the program. As part of the pending fiscal year 2023 defense policy bill, the Senate has encouraged…

Are you all in for 1.5C ?

Too hot! It seems to me that it is no longer a joke these days. Memo


ネタ帳メモ Wikiより merit「業績、功績」とcracy、ギリシャ語で「支配、統治」を組み合わせた造語。 マイケル・ヤングによる1958年の著書『Rise of the Meritocracy』が初出。 個人の持つ能力で地位が決まり、能力の高い者が統治する社会を指す。 同書は、…

Thinking about the axis of conflict.

Thinking about the axis of conflict. The war in Ukraine has led to an increase in talk of a "global Cold War structure again". This point to a confrontation between the camps of NATO and the West vs. Russia and the former Warsaw Pact Organ…

Oh Britain

According to the Economist paper, Britain is already in dangerous waters. Britain is poorer than generally believed, the current account deficit is swelling, the pound sterling is falling, and the cost of debt rates is rising. At this time…

photochemical smog

On the last day of too hot June, a photochemical smog warning was issued in Minato Ward.Was the announcement made over the disaster prevention radio?I am not sure if photochemical smog is the correct word in English, but it has been a long…

The world is always full of injustice and destruction

The world is always full of injustice and destruction, but the destruction of social order is more threatened by the challenge of order-keeping rules than by mere violence. What the world is showing now is that there is no way to prevent a…