EspritdeKzhrot’s diary

Pick up the interesting topics of naval security from the U.S. Department of Defense and U.S. Navy trend reports and so on. Also, I will make a note and follow on my ideas.

Japan Buy SM-6s in $450M

Japan Set to Buy SM-6s in Potential $450M Deal, Says State Department


Standard Missile 6 (SM-6) Block I missiles and related equipment を $450 millionで、



・thirty-two (32) Standard Missile 6 (SM-6) Block I missiles (in two tranches of 16).
・MK 21 Vertical Launch System (VLS) canisters
・Obsolescence engineering, integration and test activity.
・Canister handling equipment, spares, training and training equipment/aids.
・Technical publications/ data.
・U.S. Government and contractor engineering, technical and logistical support services.
・Other related elements of logistical and program support.


また、USNI記事には、SM-6 Missile Profileのきれいな絵が載っていますが、
SM-6 Unique / SM-2 Blk Ⅳ Unique は、同じセクションを指し、どう見ればよいのかわかりません。



Earlier this year, Japan indicated it would build two 20,000 warships designed specifically for ballistic missile defense missions, USNI News reported last month.