EspritdeKzhrot’s diary

Pick up the interesting topics of naval security from the U.S. Department of Defense and U.S. Navy trend reports and so on. Also, I will make a note and follow on my ideas.

Violent Devices

The results of DNA typing of the body recovered from the crash of a private jet in Tveri Oblast, northwest of Moscow, have confirmed the death of Mr. Prigogine, and President Vladimir Putin's unassuming condolence makes us believe that Russia is alive and well.

The story of the plane crash on the 23rd is strongly believed to have been caused by a bomb exploding on the plane, but if it were a spy story scenario, along with poisoning with radioactive materials and crashing from a high altitude, the story would likely be rejected by the editors as lacking in realism.


The "ALPS treated water" also tends to lack reality. The global impact of tritiated water is repeatedly stated as "below the standard level, so there is no problem," perhaps because the scale is too large or because the scientific damage is invisible.


In Japan, the "cleanup of ALPS treated water" has become a topic of conversation exclusively as a matter of rumor, but China has been taking advantage of the opportunity to bring the surrounding area into the international community to condemn Japan, with the Solomon Islands government, Fiji opposition party, and other pro-Chinese forces condemning the ocean release of "treated water" and sympathizing with China. China and South Korea are the only minority in the international community, as in the case of the prominent historical issue.


Furthermore, they are receiving a lot of harassing phone calls. We are very sorry for the businesses and other people who have been unable to use their phones due to the collateral damage, but we are appalled at the Chinese government for letting it go that far, or at the level of a child's meanness.


The government of "a country that doesn't get back at people for being mean to it" has no other intention than to be "polite," repeating the usual phrase that it is based on scientific evidence, but China doesn't like that.


In the first place, no matter how much other countries understand, it is unacceptable to put China and other major powers side by side with small countries in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Africa, or Europe, or to have a partner who can ignore their claims because it is not fair that "all countries have one vote equally," which is a founding principle of the international order. They cannot tolerate the fact that there are others who can ignore their claims.


However, China, too, has been overtaken by India in population, its GDP is nowhere near that of the U.S., and it faces domestic headaches such as economic stagnation and youth unemployment. My hope is that the Putin-style "solution by violence" will not be used for the Taiwan issue.


 In Japan in the 21st century, even though the development of media and information technology has increased the media's attention to reports of indiscriminate violence against the weak and reports of heinous or bizarre crimes, compared to a few decades ago, there are fewer incidents of general violence in the city, limited to anti-government guerrilla subversive activities and crimes involving explosives, less anti-social organization activities have surfaced, and the criminal law has changed its emphasis from violence and crime to economic crimes. The criminal law is being told to shift its focus from crime to economic crime. On the other hand, if that has brought peace, there is always full-time real-time conflict on social networking sites.


But when we look at China's international response, and of course Russia's war, we have to remember that the old violence is still there.