EspritdeKzhrot’s diary

Pick up the interesting topics of naval security from the U.S. Department of Defense and U.S. Navy trend reports and so on. Also, I will make a note and follow on my ideas.

The world is always full of injustice and destruction

The world is always full of injustice and destruction, but the destruction of social order is more threatened by the challenge of order-keeping rules than by mere violence.

What the world is showing now is that there is no way to prevent a superpower with strong nuclear deterrence and conventional forces from using military force with decisive determination.

Russia has defense potential in depth with such a vast land that Napoleon and Hitler once abandoned their conquest.
It has abundant underground resources, a large amount of nuclear weapons, and the veto power of the permanent members of the Security Council.

When invaded from both the west and the east, it has an absolute defensive advantage by retreating the line of defense and gaining sufficient distance and time, and historical experience shows that the people are resistant to poverty. Therefore, it is unlikely that Russia will be unconditionally surrendered even if it is cornered.
Then, unless there is a sudden change in Putin's dictatorship, the Western side will have to make concessions even in the Ukrainian war.

The Ukrainian War has destroyed the international order in the following ways, none of which is acceptable, and Putin is unacceptable in the opposite sense, so far there is no consensus.

1. "War as a means of resolving international disputes" is illegal.
2. Compliance with international law of war.
3. Nuclear war should be avoided in any case.
4." The threat of using nuclear weapons" breaks the nuclear order for half a century.


Inspired by this lofty article by Yoko Iwama.