EspritdeKzhrot’s diary

Pick up the interesting topics of naval security from the U.S. Department of Defense and U.S. Navy trend reports and so on. Also, I will make a note and follow on my ideas.

California Cargo Crisis

There are various reports such as insufficient containers and shipping service, flights also, but is your cargo okay? Navy Opens Up Military Deep-water Pier to Merchant Ships to Ease California Cargo Crisis…

‘No company is immune’: Supply chain woes weigh on defense firms https

‘No company is immune’: Supply chain woes weigh on defense firms

Raytheon CTO says merged company is finding new ways to work together

Raytheon CTO says merged company is finding new ways to work together

Report to congress on USNavy destroyer programs

From USNI News; When procured at a rate of two per year, DDG-51s cost roughly $2.0 billion each. Due to the reduced production economies of scale that wou…

Report to Congress on Emerging Military Technologies

It seems interesting, so I'll put a link for the time being. Report to Congress on Emerging Military Technologies This report provides an overview of s…

A Chinese training facility built in the desert has been identified as a mockup that appears to mimic a U.S. Navy ship.

A Chinese training facility built in the desert has been identified as a mockup that appears to mimic a U.S. Navy ship. I'm amazed by China's blatant attitude and I'm impressed by the recent increase in clarity of satellite photography. Sa…

US Air Force’s first nuclear micro reactor pilot project

An attempt to make the use of equipment that requires large power can be operated in remote areas, mountainous, islands, etc. by using this system. However, I think that the reliability is quite high from the operation results of aircraft …

U.S., U.K. Aircraft Carriers Drill with Japanese Big Deck Warship in the Western Pacific

In Japan, the change of prime minister and the formation of a new cabinet are somewhat restless, but covid has subsided, and it is a good situation for the political party in power. China is increasingly moving toward their isolation way, …

CBO Analysis of Navy’s 30-year Shipbuilding Plan quote a passage from the USNI news report Fleet Size. Under the 2022 plan, the Navy’s fleet would grow from 296 manned ships today to between 398 and 512 manned ships and unmanned vessels at some unspecified date in the futur…

JPALS to more allied ships

Raytheon’s precision landing system could be coming to more allied ships, expeditionary airfields soon…

The capable of filling the sealift and airlift gaps

This news is like a dream still now, but it seems to be a serious idea. Combined with the urgent development of Ships Shore Connector for South and East China Sea, it may be the answer that will be able to cover the missing function curren…

The evacuation from Afghanistan of Japan was failed

Under the U.S. Democratic Party administration, it might be happen, but it ended more badly. Japan's failure to evacuation from Afghanistan should be held more accountable by the government. The evacuation of only and the at first the emba…

a mayoral election of Yokohama

It is really hard to believe that the people of Yokohama will abandon the privilege of being a local of the Prime Minister and make up the mayor of the Communist Party by their self, even if they doesn’t agree the COVID actions of governme…

Declaration of non-preemptive use

Declaration of non-preemptive use It can only be read as a declaration that no attack with nuclear weapons will be made until the nuclear bombing, and it seems to be an allegation that denies deterrence by mutual confirmation destruction a…

To Enable Quantum Shift in Spectrum Sensing

最近、話題に上ることの多いQuantum Shift 、将来技術ではあるものの、現実的な実現性が見えて来たのか、ちょっとキニナル話題なのでメモしておきます。 DARPA Selects Research Teams to Enable Quantum Shif…


NAVSEA is posting slide presentations from the Sea Air Space conference that usually held in spring is going on now, and some reports and presentations are open to the public. EVENT BRIEFS: National Shipbuilding Research Program update Ben…

The SPY-6 variant

レイセオンニュースから フライトⅡAへのバックフィットについては、 こんなコメントも。 Sco…


例年は春に開催されるネイビーリーグ主催のSEA-AIR-SPACE NATIONAL SYMPOSIUMが、現在開催されており、 一部関連報道とNAVSEAプレゼン実施分の、FFGやLCS他の情報が公開されています。 外征軍(ボノムリシャール焼失の影響)やAEGISベースラインなど、 情報…

MDA Test Intercepts Target

米国ミサイル防衛局は、7月24日にハワイ海域でFTM-33を実施.。 FTM-33の目的は、2つのテストターゲットと4つのミサイルで構成される2つのSM-6デュアルIIサルボの攻撃により、中短距離弾道ミサイル標的を阻止。 1つめの標的の射撃成功、現時点では2番目の標的…

The 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party.

I often watch Chinese historical dramas. Even in the “Three Kingdoms” that feature length is a story of the short period in there long history. It is amazed at the scale of the war and the tremendous intrigue, trickery, etc. in thousands y…

in statu quo res erant ante bellum

元は14世紀における外交ラテン語 in statu quo res erant ante bellum(戦争が起こる前の原状下)であり、これがstatus quo ante bellum(戦争前の原状)となり、Status quo(現状)となったそうです。 以前書いた、Inauguration や impeach など、トランプ…

The eight basic forms of the universe

The eight basic forms of the universe If I can image the vertical and horizontal folds, I will make a picture. (1) Sphere (2) Donut (3) Donut with horizontal folds inside (4) Donut with horizontal folds on the outside (5) Donut with vertic…

US Navy diitches futuristic railgun

US Navy diitches futuristic railgun, eyes hypersonic missiles By: David Sharp, The Associated Press Still, it is not technically available to resolve wear and tear on the barrel (rails) and electromagnetic wear? DDG-100…

Virtual Aegis Weapon System (VAWS)

INDO-PACOM Used Ground-based Aegis Combat System Prototype to Target Mission Threats, Surface Targets…

The government has to convince the Japanese electorate to increase defense spending

The fate of Taiwan and Okinawa are key to stemming the military influence of China and Russia in the Western Pacific, Japan’s number two defense official said Monday. Okinawa and Taiwan are “kind of like nose and eyes, really close,” he sa…

Three-dimensional development diagram of a positive cube in four-dimensional space

I'll think again about the article I wrote earlier. Imagine a Three-dimensional development diagram of a positive cube in four-dimensional space. A two-dimensional expansion diagram of a positive cube in three-dimensional space is a cross …

U.S. Navy Launches First Flight III Guided Missile Destroyer, the future Jack H. Lucas

Biden's advocates see a potential off-ramp from a burgeoning arms race

I hope that relations with China and Russia will not become the status quo brought about by the inaction of the Clinton and Obama administrations. The rport says, "Advocates see a potential off-ramp from a burgeoning arms race." Since the …

Report of program objective memorandum ‘23

Defense news, USN must pick between destroyer, fighter or sub for FY23 plan. WASHINGTON — The U.S. Navy may have to pick just one of three major modernization programs on the horizon to fund — pursuing a new destroyer, a new attack submari…

PMS460 -The Guided Missile Destroyer (DDG(X)) program office

Defence news by:Megan Eckstein WASHINGTON — The U.S. Navy has created a new program office to usher the next class of destroyer into the fleet, after the service has struggled to find a replacement for its aging cruisers and destroyers ove…