EspritdeKzhrot’s diary

Pick up the interesting topics of naval security from the U.S. Department of Defense and U.S. Navy trend reports and so on. Also, I will make a note and follow on my ideas.

The evacuation from Afghanistan of Japan was failed

Under the U.S. Democratic Party administration, it might be happen, but it ended more badly.


Japan's failure to evacuation from Afghanistan should be held more accountable by the government.


The evacuation of only and the at first the embassy staff is to be condemned as an act of shame for the captain to abandon the ship and evacuate first, and which is the same as the abandon for Japanese people.



What should Japanese people who work outside of Japan and the parties concerned rely on?


I believe that the Japanese Forces, which immediately responded to the order and dispatched transport aircraft, were also disappointed.


I call on activists who oppose the dispatch of the Self-Defense Forces and various military measures to take a thinking honestly.